29 Nov 1944 – Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer

The Bell Inn,
Aston Clinton, Bucks.
November 29th, 1944

Dear Karl,
I have your letters of October 22nd, October 31st and November 7th. I am glad to hear that you are on something new and I hope that this time it will turn up trumps. I have told Miss Taylor what you say about your address.
I will look at Mrs Lowthorpt’s figure, and when this letter comes back from being typed may be able to make a few comments. I note what you say about McMurtry.
I am asking the binder to send you invoices for the copies that he is sending out to you. In the meanwhile the quarto bound cost 17/6d. per copy, and the half-bound, 27/6d. I have already written you about the blocks, but you could perfectly well get out an edition without them — in fact you had much better do so if your are hoping to sell the book at any reasonable sort of price. Roughly speaking, the cost of a set of blocks for one card is from £10 to £15.
I am very glad that you are having copies made of “Liber Aleph”. I certainly hope you can get it printed, and I am sure that I can trust you to see that the style is as good as that of the Tarot. It was my intention to have one chapter on one page. I also regard it as number One of what I may call classic publications, although the book I am now working on, “Aleister Explains Everything” is likely to come first, because that can be got out in a large edition cheaply, and I think will do a great deal to sell the other books.
I am not sure whether I sent a copy to Frederick. I certainly did to Jack and Georgia. I did not send one to Jane’s sister. I thought she was dead.
I feel that I am treating you very badly, but you must realise that I am working in the most impossible conditions. I can only afford one day a week for dictation. My secretary comes out here and takes back the shorthand, sends me the typescript for revision and signature. She has filed everything very neatly and nicely, but as you know from experience it is from my point of view almost like throwing them into the ashcan. I tremble when I think of trying to find everything. Nor can I grasp any business matters at all with my mind. I do my best to answer your letters, but I never feel sure that I have done so satisfactorily. The result is that you ask me to do some perfectly simple thing which any idiot could do in five minutes, and it is completely beyond my understanding, far more-so beyond my ability to execute. Things will never go right until I have a full-time secretary who will have all the business details in her head, and that means doubling the monthly transfer at the least.
I am sending you six prospectuses. But you must send by return of post 60 cents in payment for them. This is to keep on the right side of the ‘paper control’ people, who have been making trouble for me. They have no standing in the matter because the Equinox Vol. 3, no.5, of which “The Book of Thoth” is a part, is a periodical and not subject to their jurisdiction.
Wonders will never cease about that material. I went to a local woman in Aston Clinton, and she made me perfectly good shirts. I suspect that the London man was simply making an excuse for not doing the work. You have no idea how strangely people act these days.
What you say about Jack appears very complicated. I had an extremely nice letter from him, and then I had a letter from Helen to say that Smith had started his retirement on satisfactory lines, but of course for all I know this may be a pack of lies. Honestly, I don’t know where I am.
You suddenly shoot off from the question of Jack to your health. Of course what you say is very obscure to me. I can only hope that everything will go well.
I have not a Book 4 Part II. I managed to borrow a copy for a month about three weeks ago, but have to return it. I have a copy of Part I. If this is any good to you I will send it along.
I am very glad to hear that Sascha is better, and that her proposed visit to California will be an outstanding success.
It would be perfectly senseless for me to go back to London. I am thinking of winter quarters somewhere on the borders of Kent and Sussex, but the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know, and there are so many advantages in remaining here that I shall take quite a lot of shifting.
Georgia’s letter is very interesting, but I must say that I don’t get very much out of it. All this business about auras gets on my nerves. I don’t know what she means by this taint which she mentions in her penultimate paragraph.
I am probably rather peevish this afternoon. I appreciate Georgia immensely in every way, and realise how wonderful her support has been; but I do not want to know about various misadventures and calamities unless there is something I can do about them. I don’t know why she has to write a letter like that.
Now for yours of October 31st. I don’t remember receiving any letter from Jack to you. He cabled me 80 dollars about the same time as your 300 dollar transfer. This has put me all right with the binders. I have not had anything else from Jack since the contribution in the early summer when the Tarot was in question. I think that he owes me a letter; but I don’t like to swear to that till I am almost sure. I certainly think that he ought to contribute much more largely than he does. Your original idea of a quarter of a century ago that we should never do any good until we had a proper headquarters and a proper staff, is still the right idea. I don’t think that you should spend large sums of money on getting out reprints while this business of headquarters awaits attention, and also these books which exist only in manuscript, and some of which are in duplicate. I am living in a state of constant terror lest some more of my most important work should be destroyed without remedy.
You returned in this last letter to the question of Jack, in alternate paragraphs. It is very confusing — still more so since every paragraph seems to contradict the one which has gone before! I rather doubt Frederick’s judgement.1 If I remember correctly in my last letter to Jack I was able to congratulate him on a very fine piece of poetry, and certainly his last letter appeared to show the right spirit. But as you imply there may be some kind of plot with Smith in the foreground. The idea is2 so senseless that I can hardly imagine any human being holding out. But you know people are like that.
I will send a Tarot to Lt. Crombie through Georgia.
Max’s letter to you: there may be a spare copy of the Equinox of the Gods in storage. Until there is a proper headquarters it is no use trying to look for one.
Yours of November 7th. Thanks for the Artemis Iota. My mind is now at ease on that subject. The whole of your letter confuses me terrible. I think perhaps that you are yourself confused. Success is your proof does not seem to me to have anything to do with love.
Of course I understand very well, from the first minute that I met you, your difficulties in this outlook of yours. I have written again and again about it, and I don’t know that I can add anything useful. Your real trouble it seems to me is that you take everything so seriously, that you feel compelled to analyse in season and out of season, when there is no real occasion.
I am very glad to hear that there are hopes of a good transfer in December. If I decide to shift over, it is going to cost a lot.
You must apologise to Handel about the book. I sent that copy because I had not one of the other kind available. You can have no conception how muddled it has been. At the present moment I am having to find out from the binder how many copies have been bound, how many need binding and so on, and as to the numbering that has got all mixed up. The difficulty has been mostly that of transporting the books from London here and so on. You have got your twenty copies on the way. I cannot understand your figures at all. The actual cost of producing a copy was approximately £5, but that is allowing nothing whatever for overhead, stationery, typing, journeys and heaven knows what else, occasional secretarial assistance. I say nothing of the author, but the idea that Jack appears to have that 80 dollars should secure him ten copies is contemptible. Two copies are much more like the value. I think you must have misunderstood his cable. It is really too ridiculous.
I will try and get you a copy of the printer’s account, but it is mixed up with the costs of other books, and honestly I don’t know where I am about it. You might be able to make something.
I shall now retire from the unequal contest. It is really no good turning me upside down over all these business calculations. It simply spoils my temper.
Love is the law, love under will.

Yours with great love, but not feeling well; digestion all wrong these last 3 days

P.S. I am sending you a set of six of the Letters of which there are now about 70, chosen at random so as to give you a sort of idea of the scope of the book. It is a little difficult to arrange, about the order in which they should appear, and at the moment I think the best way out of it is to classify them under various headings such as The Universe, Man, the Order, Yoga, Ethics. You might be able to get a contract with an occult periodical to issue them serially. Such people as I have honoured with the privilege of reading them are all very enthusiastic. I find that they want copies for themselves, and every one is agreed that for the first time I have been able to put things in such a way as can be understood by the ordinary intelligent person. For this and other reasons I think that you ought to be able to make a good thing out of it commercially. If you want a complete set of Letters it means that I shall have to have the whole series retyped. I want to impress upon you that people are pestering me from every quarter to supply them with various stuff published or unpublished. This means that I have to send my copies out to a firm to be typed, and this comes out rather expensive. For instance, Jean Phillips appears to be in close touch with Orson Welles and is anxious to interest him in my work. I am therefore sending here various things which might take his fancy. (You realise of course that his acceptation of one story of mine would make us for good and all). It has occurred to me that “The Three Wishes” would suit O.W. very well, not having any spare copies I had to have it retyped, 60 pages cost with two carbons, £3.13.9d. Now I have got to get Liber Aleph recopied and also the secret Documents of the 7th-9th Degress.3 A.C.

P.S. Long letter just in from Jack. Will write again on Sunday when I have had time to read and consider it. A.C.

Jack Parsons in Kenneth Grant’s “The Magical Revival”

The following are excerpts regarding Jack Parsons from Kenneth Grant’s book “The Magical Revival” – the first of his Typhonian Trilogies, and the foundation of the Typhonian Order. Grant was Crowley’s secretary from 1945 until the latter’s death in 1947. 

Get it here on Amazon

[Page 48]
The ritual assumption of god forms, as taught and practiced in the Golden Dawn, has, nevertheless, a more profound significance than the rehearsal of primitive sociological phases of human behavior, and Crowley’s assumption of the mask of the Beast was no mere gesture of identification with primitive processes. He assumed the role with the magical intent of affirming his identity not only with pre-eval atavisms but with those transcendental powers which, when properly controlled and directed, he was able to incarnate at will. This forms the basis of his magick.

John W. Parsons, head of the Californian Lodge of the O.T.O., (from 1944 until his untimely death in 1952), sums up this magick:

“To go deep you must reject each phenomenon, each illumination, each ecstasy, going ever downward, until you reach the last avatars of the symbols that are also the racial archetypes. ”
“In this sacrifice to the abysmal gods is the apotheosis that transmutes them to the beauty and power that is your eternity, and the redemption of mankind. ”
“Neurosis and initiation are the same thing, except that neurosis stops short of apotheosis, and the tremendous forces that mould all life are incysted-short-circuited and turned poisonous. Psychoanalysis transforms tile false ego symbols, and exteriorizes them into false social symbols; it is a confusion of conformity and cure in terms of group behaviors. ”
“But initiation must go on until the barrier is passed, until the misty bastions of infantile Trawenfells change into the rocks and crags of eternity; the garden of Klingsor into the City of God.”

It does not matter, ultimately, whether the new dimension, the redeeming factor, the “Savior”, is a beast or a god, so long as the formula of Matter is transcended, or, more precisely, so long as the Spirit (Shin) and Matter (Teth) are realized as One.

[Page 107]
John W. Parsons, head of the Pasadena Lodge of the O.T.O. between 1940 and 1945 observed that Kelley’s life of crime, sparked off by the Angel’s communication, resembled closely what occurred to himself while working with the same Aethyr (i.e. the 7th). Parsons invoked this Aethyr in 1945 with appropriate rituals baked up by the powerful sexual magick of the VIII O.T.O. which means that he added his own magnetic emanation to the materials used in the magical ceremony. Shortly afterwards, his scribe absconded his wife and tricked him out of money and possessions. Parsons, who was at the time working in an air-rocket factory, died disastrously when he dropped a phial of
fulminate of mercury. His scribe. however, is still at large, having grown wealthy and famous by a misuse of the secret knowledge which he had wormed out of Parsons.

[Page 136]
Towards the close of Crowley’s life, certain strange events occurred which made it seem likely that the Scarlet Woman had at last appeared. These events did not occur to Crowley direct, but to the head of his magical Order (O.T.O.) in California. This person, John Parsons, performed an elaborate magical operation in 1946 with the object of invoking the Scarlet Woman. He called the operation the Babalon Working, and a creature claiming to be Babalon answered the Call.

It is doubtful whether Crowley ever knew or cared about her advent, for at the time of the Working he was a dying man. She may not have been the Semiramis Crowley had expected but she was certainly as strange and disturbing as any of the Scarlet Women who had assisted the Beast 666. Her name was Marjorie Cameron; further reference will be made to her in Chapter 9, infra.

[Page 157]
It was there that Smith seduced Helen Parsons, the wife of a promising young scientist named John W. Parsons who was known in the Order as Frater 210. Smith had a child by Helen, and a series of entanglements ensued which provoked Crowley to issue an encyclical expelling Smith from the O.T.O.

[Page 161]
Smith, like all magicians engaged in a Magical Retirement, had a familiar spirit or servitor to take care of his bodily requirements. In this case the familiar was Sister Grimaud or Helen Parsons, whom he had seduced some time previously. Jack Parsons had ceased sending money to Helen because he had lost all his possessions to a confidence trickster who had wormed his way into the O.T.O. on the pretense of being interested in Magick.

[Page 162]
The case of John (known as Jack) W. Parsons (Frater 210) is, perhaps, stranger still. Imbued with the idea of Kingly Man, as that expression is understood in the Cult of Thelema, Parsons bent his not inconsiderable energies, physical and intellectual, to the discovery of his True Will.

Born on October 2,1914, in Los Angeles, he lived a lonely childhood, due to his parents broken marriage. He spent a great deal of his youth reading and day-dreaming, and nurturing a growing resentment of all interference, especially of the kind posing as “authority”. He developed strong revolutionary tendencies and when he encountered Crowley’s writings – which he first did through Wilfred T.Smith – he was instantly alive to the significance of Thelema. He joined Smith’s Agapé Lodge (O.T.O.), and, at the same time, became a Probationer, 1º=10# of the A.’.A.’.

Shortly afterwards, Helen Parsons had a child by Smith, and because of this Parsons directed his affection to Helen’s younger sister, Betty, who became his mistress and magical partner in the Ceremonies of Agapé Lodge.

While Parsons was engaged in these matters a certain Frater X appeared on the scene, and such was his fascination that Parsons – who had gained admission to the highest grades of the O.T.O. – was persuaded to break his Oath of Secrecy and X came into possession of the secrets of the Order although he was not at any time properly initiated.
These secrets comprise the psycho – sexual and magical techniques to which reference has already been made (21).

Frater X then persuaded Parsons to form a tripartite Trust with Betty and himself. This Agreement was called “Allied Enterprises”. Parsons put the lion’s share of the money into it, Prater X contributing a merely nominal sum, and Betty, nothing at all. Parsons was then persuaded to sell the property which constituted the headquarters of the Agapé Lodge, and on the proceeds-plus the money invested in Allied Enterprises- Frater X and Betty absconded, leaving Parsons under the impres sion that they intended to buy a yacht
which they would eventu ally sell to the advantage of all three.

The yacht was duly purchased, but instead of returning to California, Frater X and Betty sailed round the East Coast together, “living the life of Riley”, as a member of the Order graphically expressed it.

In a letter to Crowley dated July, 1945, Parsons wrote:

“About three months ago I met X, a writer and explorer of whom I had known for some time… He is a gentleman (sic!); red hair, green eyes, honest and intelligent, and we have become great friends. He moved in with me about two months ago, and although Betty and I are still friendly, she has transferred her sexual affections to him.
“Although he has no formal training in Magick he has an extraordinary amount of experience and understanding in the field. From some of his experiences I deduce he is in direct touch with some higher intelligence, possibly his Guardian Angel. He is the most Thelemic person I have ever met and is in complete accord with our principles. He is also interested in establishing the new Aeon, but for cogent reasons I have not introduced him to the Lodge.
“We are pooling our resources in a partnership which will act as a limited company to control our business ventures. I think I have made a great gain, and as Betty and I are the best of friends there is little loss. I cared for her rather deeply but I have no desire to control her emotions, and I can I hope control my own.
“I need a magical partner. I have many experiments in mind… The next time I tie up with a woman it will be on my own terms.”

His wife, Helen, had been filched by Smith; now, Frater X had stolen his mistress. Having lost confidence in women, Parsons decided to attract an Elemental Spirit to take Betty’s place and to assist him in his magical workings.

The instructions which accompany the Eighth Degree of the O,T.O. contain methods for evoking an Elemental, or familiar spirit. It is said to be an easy matter to attract such a spirit because the souls of the Elements desire constantly to be absorbed into the cycle of human evolution, this being the only way in which they can achieve salvation and perpetuity of existence. On being appropriated by a human organism, the elemental finally becomes absorbed in the immortal principle in man. Crowley applies similar
reasoning to the practice of eating animals: “We have a right to eat animals,” he says, “because it is the kindest thing that we can do to them. Thus, and only thus, can we enable them to fulfil their ambition by building up their tissue into that of a higher organism.”

In the matter of calling forth an Elemental Spirit, the Adept is advised on several points:

“(1) That he choose wisely a reasonable soul, docile, apt, beautiful, and in all ways worthy of love.
“(2) That he fall not away from love of the Great Goddess into love of this inferior, but give only as a master and of his mercy, knowing that this also is service to the Goddess.
“(3) That of such familiar spirits he have but four. And let him regulate their service, appointing hours for each.
“(4) That he treat them with kindness and firmness, being on his guard against their tricks.

“This being said, it is enough; for to have them is but the pains to call them forth from their homes. And the Spirits of the Elemental Tablets given by Dr. Dee and Sir Edward Kelley are the best, being very perfect in their nature and faithful, affecting the human race. And if not so powerful as, they are less dangerous than, the Planetary Spirits; for these are more boisterous, and by disastrous stars easily perturbed and afflicted.

“Call them therefore by the Keys of Enoch as is written in the Book ye know of; and let there be after the Call~ an Evocation by the Wand; and let the Marrow of the Wand be preserved within the pyramids of the letters that make up the name of the Spirit…”

In January, 1946, Parsons wrote again to Crowley and referred to the Operation which he had performed:

“I have diligently followed the VIIIº instructions as (a) creation of new orders of beings with consecrated talismanic images. Possible connective result: increase in writing output; (b) Invocation of Mother Goddess, using Priest’s call in mass and silver cup as talisman; sometimes using suitable poetry such as Venus. Possible connective result: loss of Betty’s affections as preliminary to (c) Invocation of Air Elemental Kerub… in Enochian Air Tablet.”

He goes on to give details of the rite he used; it ended with a command that the Spirit appear visibly in human form before him, as a familiar spirit and as a mate.
Parsons recognized a possible connective result of the Operation in the form of a wind storm which-for the first three days of the Working with the Air Tablet-was excessively violent and “unnatural”. He says that although he bent all his will and scientific knowledge to the correct performance of the rite, “nothing seems to have happened. The wind storm is very interesting, but that is not what I asked for.”

His disappointment was a little premature, however, for a few days later he wrote:

“An interesting incident. Frater X attempted to escape me by sailing at 5 p.m., and I performed a full invocation to Bartzabel (22) within the Circle at 8 p.m. At the same time, so far as I can check, his ship was struck by a sudden squall off the coast, which ripped off his sails and forced him back to port, where I took the boat in custody. I am not greatly impressed, but it is interesting.”

Still not the desired result, but owing to the above he was able to say of Frater X and Betty:

“I have them well tied up; they cannot move without going to jail. However, I am afraid that most of the money has already been dissipated. I will be lucky to salvage $3,00-5,000..”

Then, on February 23, 1946, Parsons wrote triumphantly to Crowley:

“I have my elemental! She turned up one night after the conclusion of the Operation, and has been with me since, although she goes back to New York next week. She has red hair and slant green eyes as specified. If she returns she will be dedicated as I am dedicated!
All or nothing – I have no other terms. She is an artist, strong minded and determined, with strong masculine characteristics and a fanatical independence …”

This woman’s name was Marjorie Cameron. She became Parsons’ second wife and led him deeper into occult waters from which he never emerged. Crowley warned him several times of the dangers he was courting; and in a letter to him, dated March 15, 1946, Crowley wrote:

“I am particularly interested in what you have written to me about the elemental, because for some little time past I have been endeavoring to intervene personally in this matter on your behalf. I would however recall Lévi’s aphorism: ‘The love of the Magus for such things is insensate and may destroy him’. Warns him that because of his sensitiveness he should be more on his guard than the majority of people.”

At about this time, Parsons – in the course of his Magical Workings – contacted an Intelligence that was to disrupt his existence entirely and cause Crowley to write him off as yet another failure.

Between the second and the fourth of March, Parsons recorded what he described as “the most devastating experience of my life. I believe it was the result of the IXº working with the girl who answered my elemental summons.” (23) “I have been in direct touch with One who is most Holy and beautiful, mentioned in The Book of the Law. I cannot write the name at present.”

He received certain instructions from this Intelligence, first directly, then through Frater X, who had returned and who had been forgiven. Frater X acted as a Seer on several occasions when Parsons contacted denizens of other dimensions. Frater X declared that he was overshadowed by an “Angel”, a beautiful winged woman with red hair whom he called The Empress. She guided him at all times and – so he claimed – saved his life on several occasions.

Wilfred T. Smith, after his expulsion from the O.T.O., and his failure to identify the god within him, conceived an enmity for Parsons and attacked him astrally. On one occasion, Frater X, who had not met Smith, described him as clad in a black robe and having an evil pasty face. An expert with the throwing knife, Frater X pinned the phantom figure to the door with four knives. Later the same night, Parsons was awakened by a feeling of oppression. He heard a distinct sound in the room, though no one but himself was present. A muffled yet metallic voice screamed “Let me go free!” Parsons, recalling the strange events of the evening, gave the License to Depart (24) and freed Smith’s astral body from the transfixing knives.

Parsons looked forward to the result of his secret illumination, which was to occur in nine month’s time with the birth of a magical child “mightier than all the kings of the Earth”, as had been prophesied in The Book of the Law more than forty years earlier. He believed that this child-and not Frater Achad- was to be the child destined to lead mankind to true freedom.

Parsons continued to receive revelations through the agency of his elemental, whom he named Babalon, the Scarlet Woman, and such was the coherence of the material obtained from the spirit world that he claimed that it actually constituted the fourth and final chapter of The Book of the Law.

During the receipt of these communications, Parsons-reduced to penury by the indefatigable Frater X-had been earning his living by working for an aircraft company.
He wrote to Crowley:

“It has now been almost a year since I last wrote-at that time I was near mental and financial collapse. Since that time I have laboriously gained some sort of mental equilibrium and gradually regained something of a position in my old field in a large aircraft company. My one aim is to rebuild myself.”

Crowley, dying slowly in England, was unable to follow the wild stories about
revelations and initiations too secret and too holy even to be mentioned. He replied, on April 19, 1946:

“You have got me completely puzzled by your remarks about the elemental – the danger of discussing or copying anything. I thought I had a most morbid imagination, as good as any man’s, but it seems I have not. I cannot form the slightest idea what you can possibly mean.”

And to Karl J. Germer, his right-hand man in California, he wrote:

“Apparently he, or Frater X, or somebody, is producing a Moonchild. I get fairly frantic when I contemplate the idiocy of these louts.”

Not long afterwards, Parsons took the Oath of the Abyss. He adopted the magical name Belarion, and in 1949 issued The Book of Anti-Christ, which he divided into two parts: The Black Pilgrimage, and The Manifesto of the Anti-Christ. In the first part he alludes to his interior struggles and the ordeal of disillusionment which he suffered in the external world. These were experienced by him when he was stripped of his fortune, his house, his wife, his mistress; all that he possessed. He undertook the Black Pilgrimage when this disillusionment had made him realize the futility and impermanence of phenomena. He had the choice between madness, suicide, and the Oath of the Abyss.

Surviving the ordeals which plunged him into the Abyss for forty days, he took the Oath of Anti-Christ before his erstwhile Superior in the Order, Wilfred T. Smith. In his Manifesto he identifies himself personally with the anti-Christ and declares war upon “all authority that is not based on courage and manhood”, and calls a halt to “the authority of lying priests, conniving judges, blackmailing police”. He further called “an end to restriction and inhibition… conscription, compulsion, regimentation, and the tyranny of false laws”. He claimed that he would bring all men to the Law of the Beast 666: “And in His Law I shall conquer the world.”

Apart from these laudable intentions, other-more esoteric- purposes were declared in the Manifesto which reveals Parsons as an ardent advocate of total freedom, and a loyal though some what fanatical devotee of Crowley’s Thelemic principles. Had he lived he would today no doubt be among the foremost of fighters for individual liberty.

In the ritual instructions which he received in connection with The Book of Babalon, which formed, so lie claimed, the fourth chapter of The Book of the Law, appeared the following:

“She is flame of life; power of darkness; she destroys with a glance; she may take the soul. She feeds upon the death of men. ”
“Concentrate all force and being in Our Lady Babalon. Light a single light on Her altar, saying Flame is our Lady; flame is Her hair. I am flame.”

It was not very long after the Babalon Working that Parsons dropped a phial of fulminate of mercury, and was in truth devoured by flame. (25)

Parson’s papers show that he had the makings of a genuine magician. Apart from his correspondence with the Scarlet Woman, which is of great interest both magically and psychologically, he left some essays on Magick which deserve to be preserved in permanent form.

It is unfortunate that Crowley was too ill to appreciate the situation and all its
implications. He died in Hastings in 1947 before the first act of the drama in California had played itself out. He regarded Parsons as one more failure, and wrote about the matter to Karl Germer on the 31st May, 1946. His remarks were prompted by the reappearance on the scene of Frater Achad, who had written to Germer concerning a series of initiations which he (Achad) was currently undergoing:

“Thanks for yours of May 23rd enclosing one from Frater Achad. It is very good that he should come crawling back to the penitent’s form after thirty years, but I do not quite see how it is going to make up for the time he has wasted on his insane vanity, and you might let him know this view. ”
“I am glad that his submission should have taken place at this moment, however, because his case serves as very useful to quote in discussing the business of Jack Parsons…
“The question of Frater 210 [i.e. Parsons] seems to me very typical. He reminds me up to a point-though he is on a much lower plane than they~ of two men who joined the Order shortly after I took it over: both cases seem to me to have certain significance if applied to the present position of Frater 210.”
“Both (26) cases were alike in this-that after a very short period of training both had more than fulfilled their early promise; they could claim not only attainment, but achievement and that in no small degree. I am sorry that there is no possibility of making any similar claim on behalf of Frater 210.
“The elder of the two men (27) rashly took the oath of a Master of the Temple. He must have failed to expel the last drop of blood into the Cup of Our Lady Babalon, for a comparatively few months later he got an initiation by his own account so marvelous that it superseded our own work altogether. it was, of course, much too sacred for him to give even the least hint of its nature.
“What was the result? From that moment his attainment stopped; his achievement stopped; he never produced anything from that hour to this which was worthy a moment’s consideration. Now, after thirty years he has realized his mistake, he has come crawling back in penitence, but that will not do him the service of filling up the gap of thirty wasted years.
“The second case was really much simpler.. Now, his attainment and his achievement were on the whole of a higher class than that of the other man. But what happened to him? He got into the clutches of a vampire.
“The result was identical; from that hour his attainment stopped; his achievement stopped; he lived a miserable life-the life of a slave under the influence of this appalling old woman, and some half-dozen years ago death relieved him from his sufferings; that is, sufferings of that kind.
“It seems to me on the information of our Brethren in California that (if we may assume them to be accurate) Frater 210 has committed both these errors. He has got a miraculous illumination which rimes with nothing, and he has apparently lost all his personal independence. From our brother’s (28) account he has given away both his girl and his money-apparently it is the ordinary confidence trick.
“Of course, I must suspend judgement until I have heard his side of the story, but he promised me quite a long while ago to write me a full explanation, and to date I have received nothing from him…”

The poet, Victor Neuburg; the soldier, J. F. C. Fuller; the mathematician, Norman Mudd; the Magical Son of the Beast 666, Charles Stansfeld Jones; the Lancashire bricklayer, Frank Bennett; the ritualist, Wilfred Smith; the scientist, John Parsons, are a few of the many who tried-and tried wholeheartedly-to discover the identity of the Hidden God, to discover their True Will and to put their discovery to some use.

(21) See, in particular, Chapter 2, supra.
(22) The Spirit of Mars. See The Equinox I,ix, where this Invocation is given in full.
(23) i.e. Marjorie Cameron.
(24) The License to Depart is given to the Spirit before the Magician banishes it back to its proper dimension. Sec Magick, Chapter xvii, for an account of this operation.
(25) An account of his death appeared in The Independent, a newspaper publicized in Pasadena, California, June 19, 1952.
(26) The two men to whom Crowley refers are Frater Achad (Charles Stansfeld Jones), and Frater Lampada Tradam (Victor B. Neuburg).
(27) Charles Stansfeld Jones.
(28) This brother was Louis T. Culling. He has written several books on Magick.

Next:  Jack Parsons in Kenneth Grant’s “Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God”

11 Nov 1949 – Illness, payments, and difficulties

11 Nov 49

Care Frater Saturnus

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The surmise in your letter of 9/24 was correct. I have been ill with bronchial pneumonia, and am now just convalescing. This has resulted in a diminution of income and increase of expenses, so that I have been hard put to it to meet my obligations. This is the reason for the delay in October and this month. During the illness I gave up my apartment, and have now moved to 768 31st Street, Manhattan Beach. My P.O. Box No 312 is the same.

You are right, it has been and will be a solitary battler until the end. Everything else is dead now except the body and the will, and it is my will that the body survive to do that will. I hope to see you during the next year, and discuss some matters that are difficult to develop in correspondence. Best wishes for yourself and the success of your (sic) the work.

Love is the law, love under will. Fraternally