1 Jun 1949 – Book payments

1 June 49

Care Frater Saturnus.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
It is quite possible that Roy picked up one of the last two copies of the Tarot which I received. I am under the impression that he took several copies of The Equinox of the Gods which I had paid for. However, almost anything might have happened at that time and I been non the wiser. I have three volumes from 666 of the Commentary on the Book of the Law, but was under the impression that these were to be revised, with an introduction from Wilkinson. In any event I am willing to follow your advice in this matter, as I have said.
Am I correct in assuming that I owe you 175 dollars? I will mail a cheque for 25 dollars June 11, and on the second Saturday of each month thereafter, until the debt is paid.

Love is the law, love under will. Fraternally
